Schengen visa photo requirements
The next bullet point on the Schengen visa photo requirements list is that you must not wear any headwear. The passport authority can permit exceptions to this rule for credible religious reasons only.
Schengen visa photo instructions

Your face must take up to 70 to 80% of the photo space. This translates into a Schengen visa photo requirement that your face must be somewhere between 32 and 36 mm high.
Your face must be centered in the photo, and it is also required that you look straight into the camera. It is not permitted to wear sunglasses unless required for medical reasons.

Another of the Schengen visa photo requirements is that your face is sharply focused, rich in contrast, and clear in all areas.
Your Schengen visa photo must be in color and have only a white or light background. Visa photos with patterned or dark backgrounds are not accepted.
Your face must be illuminated evenly. Any reflections or shadows on your face must be avoided. The Schengen visa photo must have been taken within the last six months.
Schengen visa photo requirements and red eyes
Red eyes must be avoided.Download Schengen visa photo requirements
You can download a copy of complete Schengen visa photo requirements guide here: Schengen visa photo requirements guide.If you need more details related to Schengen visa see links in the navigation menu above. These resources might help as well: Schengen visa.
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