Schengen visa fees
Schengen visa fees are payable in the EURO currency and to the Embassy or Consulate to which you submit your application.
The fee for the Schengen visa application has been raised as of 14 May 2008 and is currently 60.00 EUR.
When considering the cost of filing the application, remember to include the cost of preparing all the supporting documentation as listed in the Schengen visa application requirements.
Schengen visa fee
Although the Schengen visa fee is currently set to EUR 60.00 for short-term visa, there are some exceptions to the rule, and the fee is lower or even waived in some cases. Visa fee for the long-term visa is currently EUR 99.00.
Countries which pay lower Schengen visa fee:
- Russia,
- Moldova,
- Ukraine,
- Serbia,
- the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,
- Bosnia and Herzegovina,
- Montenegro,
- Albania.
Schengen visa fee waiwed for

Schengen visa fee may be also waived for groups of school children under 18 years of age if they are traveling for educational, cultural, or sports purposes.
Some Schengen zone countries also consider waiving or reducing the Schengen visa fees charged in individual cases if the applicant's stay would serve to promote cultural interests, interests in the field of foreign policy, or some other areas of vital public interest, or if there are humanitarian grounds for doing so.
Schengen visa fee for visa renewals
The Schengen visa fee for renewals is the same as for new applications. See above.Disclaimer: This web page is in no way, form or shape affiliated with any official or governmental organization. Even though we do our best to keep this web site current, information provided on this page may be out dated. Never use this/rely on any private web site to make your personal decisions or take actions. It is your responsibility to check with the appropriate authorities, government, or offices for the most current, relevant, and true information regarding your situation and/or actions. We can not provide any implied, expressed, direct, or indirect warranty or guarantee for information provided on this page, site, or server and for its accuracy and completeness.
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